Please be aware to create different folders under “Photos” folder for each different SD card. Copy all the pictures under the “Photos” folder you created. You might be needing a USB card reader for this purpose, or you might directly connect your digital camera to your computer. Start by copying all your digital camera content.

#Synology looking for backup mac 2017 Pc
They may be keeping some valuable pictures of you or your 5 year old, and by chance it might be the best looking picture of all your collection.Ĭreate a “Photos” folder on your PC or Mac, be prepared to have several Gigabytes of empty disk space. Also don’t forget to request all your related pictures from relatives and friends. This includes smart phone, digital camera, printed photos and all.
#Synology looking for backup mac 2017 free
Be prepared to waste all your free time!!! Collect All Your Photos In One Place! To give you some tips, this work will last days to handle. Now, imagine that all your pictures are saved in one place, backed up regularly to prevent a catastrophy of losing all your files and when you look for that specific photo, you just type in the person name and keyword and voila, here is the picture you’ve been looking for standing in front of you with all its glory and nice memories. But when it comes to find a specific picture to remember those good old days, it takes hours/ days to find it… These pictures are of the upmost importance to you and your family since they are the recorded history of you and all your beloved. Because you have it setup ass backwards right now.So, you have thousands of pictures scattered all around, either on your smart phone, your PC, or printed photos from the good old days sleeping in a cardboard box or photo album.

So when you click on elephant drive it opens a new tab with the IP 169.x.x.x/elephantdrive/lakjdflkjadf What I'm thinking is even though the NAS can access the internet over NIC3 when you open the elephant drive app it's trying to go through NIC1 or 2 which in turn doesn't give it access to the internet.Īfter seeing all this I told him to plug it into a switch and make sure it gets a 10.x.x.x IP address and then try elephant drive again and I bet that fixes all your problems. Their local subnet is 10.x.x.x On the synology NIC1 has on IP of 169.x.x.x NIC2 169.x.x.x and NIC3 some how magically got a public frontier IP address no clue how that happened without actually going onsite. So their solution was plug NIC1 and 2 into the open ports on their machines then plug NIC3 into the router. These guys are studio engineers who think they know IT. When they setup the box and plugged it into the network they said it was to slow and didn't work right. So they bought a NAS with 4 NICs and they each have a Mac Pro's with Dual NICs. I assume he's restarted the NAS as the first step? Any log messages? Which browser is he using, do other services work to get configured for the Synology that do similar operations?I just remoted into his mac and I think I figured it out. I have several synology boxes and they work with either WD RED NAS or Seagate NAS drives.You know how I know you didn't read the OP?